Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lend a Helping Hand

There are two organizations in the DuPage area that are always doing good and reaching out to people that I think people should be aware of.

The first is an organization called Feed My Starving Children http://www.fmsc.org/   They prepare and pack food called Manna Packs to send to children all over the world. It is quite the operation and they have volunteer opportunities in all parts of the country. Please check out their website to see how you could help.

The Hesed House http://www.hesedhouse.org/ in Aurora is a Homeless shelter which provides dinner, breakfast, beds, showers, clothes washer, toiletries and food for those less fortunate. Recently, they had a shortage on blankets (if you live in Chicago you can understand why this is such an issue) but after a few phone calls and emails over 100 blankets were donated by friends and family. To those of you that did part ways with your old quilts and throws, "Thank you so very much! You can go to sleep every night knowing that someone is being kept warm because of you." The staff of the HH was very grateful and shocked at how many blankets were added to their supply this week.

I encourage each of you to take one day out of each month to go volunteer your time and effort to a cause that is important to you. http://www.volunteermatch.org/ These examples are two totally different causes and there are hundreds of organizations like these looking for volunteers, but the one thing that they have in common is helping others, doing good and loving each other. I can assure you that you will leave whichever organization you choose with a lighter heart and being more grateful for what you have in your own life. Sometimes we all need a bit of a reminder of how lucky we really are.

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