Friday, September 21, 2012

Long overdue European adventures

After an eight hour flight into Heathrow, I took the underground to my hotel near Russell Square. With only a day to see London I briskly walked around looking at some usual sights. Soon into my exploring I noticed a few things, firstly, everything seems smaller and more narrow (roads, hotels, benches, public transport). There are also a plethora of trees in London, which came as a surprise to me, in fact I later found that they have more trees per resident than anywhere else. The diversity in London also caught me off guard, I was pleasantly surprised when I realized it was a melting pot of cultures. It reminded me a bit of Chicago. After my exploring it was off to meet my Contiki group, my family for the next month. 
Early the next morning, and I mean 5am early, we all piled onto our Coach bus, our new home. We then drove to White Dover Cliffs and took a ferry across the English channel to France. 


Paris: Our first night in Paris we all went to a restaurant to have famous French cheeses, escargot and Champagne then we made our way to the Effel Tower to watch it sparkle. The following day we were on our own in Paris exploring the sights (Effel Tower, Cathederal Notre Dame, Arc De Triomphe,  Catacombs, Champes Elysse). We ate crepes and baguette hotdogs from street carts and macaroons from a sweet bakery.  That night the entire group went to go see a show at the original Moulin Rouge, it was not what I had expected, but it was interesting, to say the least.

Beaujolis Wine Region: We stayed at Chatau Criox overlooking the vineyards, absolutely breathtaking! Peaceful, quiet and beautiful. A few of us went exploring in the nearest town.

Nice, France

Nice: Up there on my favorite stops. It was a city on the beach, the had antique markets and cozy cafes.

Monaco: Yachts, money, casinos, more money and yachts and fancy cars. 


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