Thursday, August 4, 2011


Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. That's what I have learned over the last few years. Even though sometimes these surprises in life are unwelcomed and we fight nail and tooth to not accept them, they still happen and in the end we can understand why more clearly.

My marriage to a Special Forces military man was a dream come true until one day it came to a screeching halt. Yep, the D word. I of all people do not believe you give up on that sacred promise, but unfortunately if both people aren't in it until the end, it just can't last. I'm not going to sit here and badmouth love and marriage because I enjoyed every minute of it. We created wonderful memories that I will forever carry with me for the rest of my life. It was time to go our separate ways... which I have come to accept because no longer am I told where to go, what to do, who to talk to and how to act by the government. I can actually plan for my future instead of waiting on orders from his command.

My life is much more my own now and for that I am thankful. I'm starting to spend more time with family and friends that I've lived away from for the last few years and I plan on traveling to different parts of the world. I'm very excited for what unknowns lie ahead in my future!


Liz Wagoner said...

Congrats girl. Divorce is never a bad thing. Esp since you don't have kids. Never lose the happy memories or forget what you learned; leave everything else behind and look forward the rest of your life 'cause it's going to be amazing. Your beautiful and talented and from the looks of your post you've already got the right outlook on this.

Plus, now you can go hitchhiking whenever you want!!! ;)

Brian Plass said...

Remember, nothing is free. But take what you've learned throughout life and try ot live without regret. Remember, there are some tickets the cops can give that are TOTALLY worth it ;)