Friday, August 12, 2011


Life goes by too quickly.
We tend to get lost in the hustle and bussle of scheduling and checking things off our to do lists. We often forget to take a break to enjoy and be thankful for the little things in life, which are really the most important things.
I've been reconnected with a high school friend who unfortunately is battling cancer at twenty five years old. Despite everything he's dealing with, he has a more positive attitude about life than the majority of people I know. He actually said to me the other day, "Lo, you walk too fast. Take the time to enjoy what God has given us." Wow, he has a very valid point. Enjoy life and everything it has to offer!
It's funny how people come and go in our lives and we sometimes reconnect with them just when we need them the most. I feel so blessed to have the family and friends that are in my life. Since my return to "Sweet Home Chicago" my relationships with my mom, brother, cousin and long lost friends have become increasing stronger and definitely more mature. Sometimes we take for granted the people in our lives. We assume they will always be there for us. Don't. Spend time with them, stand by their side when times get rough and most importantly, tell them what they mean to you.
With that being said, to those of you who are my family and friends: "Thank you for your unconditional love and support. I love you all very much and am so grateful to have each and everyone one of you in my life."

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