Tuesday, October 25, 2011

California Dreamin'

Sand between my toes, the warm sun shining on my bare shoulders, the sound of seagulls squawking around me and smell of salt water in the air. Without a doubt, these things will always put a smile on my face. There is something about being on the
 West Coast calms my inner self and I cant help but feel like I belong in that atmosphere. Give me a hippie bus, surfboard and a bottle of sunscreen, I'll be a happy camper! 

My favorite part about this region is the constant excitement, there is literally never a dull moment, no matter what time of year. During my short visit I was able to do so much. I was able to....drive along the coast to Santa Barbara, live it up in the Gaslamp Quarter, watch dolphins surf the waves, enjoy a German beer at Oktoberfest, watch the famous Blue Angels preform at an Air Show, horseback ride, attend worship service at my favorite church and walk the beach at night. What a life! Not to mention the types of food SD has to offer, fish tacos AND in-and-out burger. And for those of you that haven't experienced a double double from the famous burger joint: "Go West!"

Aside from the nearly perfect atmosphere, another wonderful part about the Western state is that my Dad resides there. As much as they embarrass us as teenagers or lecture us on how to live our life, we wouldn't be who we are without our parents. Unfortunately, I don't get that daily interaction with my Pops, so our time together is precious. We try to catch up on our lives during our short visits, giving each other unwanted advice or " I told you so's".  But it always ends the same way, with a big strong bear hug, kiss and an "I love you, hope to see you again soon!" 

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